Committing to the general interest

Mixed economy – Social and welfare economy

With extensive cross-disciplinary skills in private and public law, Adven has recognised expertise in mixed economy and social and welfare economy law (SSE).

The multidisciplinary talents of Adven’s teams (corporate law, tax law, labour law, public law and local law) empower it to regularly advise public and private players regarding the creation of mixed capital companies (SEMs [semi-public companies], SPLs [local public companies], Collective Interest Cooperative Societies [SCICs], university subsidiaries), cooperative groupings (economic interest groupings, public interest groupings, healthcare cooperation groupings, social and medical-social cooperation groupings) and not-for-profit structures (associations, foundations, endowment funds)

Adven’s lawyers, who have developed a global and integrated approach to legal issues relating to the mixed economy and the social economy, wield extensive experience having assisted in creating a large number of structures and monitoring them at all stages of their lifecycles.