Ensuring fair relationships

Labour Law

Our team deals with individual and collective labour relations between employers and employees, and Social Security law.

We provide legal services to both employers and employees, both in terms of advice and litigation (day-to-day management of human resources; redundancy procedures; individualised timetables; labour litigation and URSSAF [social security contribution collection office] litigation, criminal defence).


Labour law

  • Assistance in human resources management
  • Negotiating or executing employment contracts and/or addenda
  • Disciplinary procedures
  • Dismissal procedures (personal, economic reasons, etc.)
  • Negotiating amicable agreements (settlements, contractual termination)
  • Working time duration and scheduling
  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Assistance with setting up and managing employee representative bodies
  • Legal defence before the Labour Courts and Appeal Courts
  • Assistance and defence in criminal proceedings following an occupational accident

Social Security law

  • Occupational diseases and accidents
  • Disabilities and unfitness for work
  • Inexcusable faults (employer’s civil and criminal liability)
  • Assistance and representation before the Labour Division of the Judicial Courts, Appeal Courts, the National Court of Incapacity and Tariffs (CNITAAT) and criminal courts
Portrait photo : Claire Derrendinger, avocate spécialiste en droit du travail